Weekly Announcement Week 30 - May 22, 2024

Copyright © 2024 Saratoga Vision Chinese School. All rights reserved.

1. It is the last week of this school year! We thank all the teachers for their dedication and devotion. Also, we recognize the effort that the kids put in this year. First day of school is on Friday, 9/6.

2. We want to take the opportunity to thank all the volunteers: Vickie and Paul for ringing the bell, Steve and Erica for preparing the tea, Wenlin for tending the Snack Shack, and Winston for doing the yard duty. We also want to express our gratitude to all the volunteers who made the yummy food for Snack Shack. You make the school a better environment for the kids!

3. Class time is still 7-9PM this Friday. The agenda for this Friday is as followed:
6:00-7:00 PM: Dinner sale (multi-purpose room)
7:00-7:15 PM: Students' class meeting in the classroom (CFL1, 2, 3 will have ceremony at 7:00pm)
7:15-7:30 PM: Ceremony (CFL1, 2, 3 will have class meeting at 7:15pm)
7:30-7:50 PM: School graduation ceremony (multi-purpose room)
7:50-8:50 PM: Carnival (multi-purpose room)
8:50-9:00 PM: Clean-up
The menu of the school-wide carnival on 5/24 includes fried rice, fried rice noodle, potstickers, popcorn chickens, fruit jelly, Cantonese sponge cake, Malaysian dessert, tea eggs, pizza, drink, donuts, etc. The tickets are $1 each and good for food/drink and games. We will not accept cash at the booth.

4. We have openings in all the classes. Please use
 this link to fill out the registration form if you have not done so. In addition, please fill out and sign the Medical and Photo release form  and turn in to the office or mail to 19901 Merribrook Dr Saratoga CA95070 along with a check of $800 payable to Saratoga Vision Chinese School to complete the registration. . Please contact us by email or drop by at the office if you have any questions.

​5. We welcome friends and family to visit the school. Please contact us for a sit-in in September. We do not take any walk-ins. Thank you for your cooperation.

6. Our school email address is: info@svchineseschool.org. The weekly announcement will be sent out on Wednesdays posted on the school website on Thursdays. Please check the website and Facebook page for updated information.​​

1. 時間過得真快,本週五是這學年最後一週,在此為30週來認真備課、教學的老師致敬; 為認真來學習的孩子和送他們來上學的家長們拍手,恭喜大家,我們要放暑假了!2024學年開學日:星期五9/6!

​2. 學校在此要感謝義工群:打鐘的Vickie和Paul、準備茶的Steve和 Erica、福利社社長文琳和yard duty的正維,也要感謝這一年來所有參與製作美食及本週做美食義賣的家長們,孩子們的學習成長,因為你們的付出更加有意義和充實!感謝有你們,有你們真好。

​3. 本週園遊會仍然是正常上課的時間(7-9pm),流程如下:
6-7pm 福利社晚餐義賣
7-7:20pm 老師在教室發成績單及獎品
7:25-7:50pm 在cafeteria舉行結業典禮
7:55-9pm 園遊會(8:50-9pm clean up)

4. 目前各班都還有名額(有幾個班快要滿班了),要報名的家長請盡快用​​這個連結填寫學生資料,除了上網填資料之外,別忘了還要印出、填妥Medical and Photo release form,連同$800元支票payable to Saratoga Vision Chinese School, 在週五交到辦公室,之後請郵寄到19901 Merribrook Dr Saratoga CA95070。

5. 本校歡迎有興趣的家長,來信或打電話了解學校課程事宜!如有需要旁聽需是要在開學前安排九月開學後才能旁聽!感謝大家的配合。

6. 慧景中文學校e-mailinfo@svchineseschool.org. Weekly announcement每週三會寄出,星期四會公布在Newsletter網頁。請家長多多利用​​臉書網站查詢學校資料