1. 本週五Argonaut有variety show,停車會比較困難,請大家提早出門,有充分的時間停車。因為Argonaut要使用Rm2,所以本週辦公室將移到Rm1。

2. 時間過得真快,轉眼已經第26週,學期已接近尾聲,依照學校傳統我們將會在第30週舉行園遊會!各班需要準備一個遊戲攤位,麻煩家長協助老師準備工作:安排顧攤位及收集小獎品等等....

3. 麻煩老師和家長注意與配合:學生不管是自己帶點心來或購買學校福利社點心,請提醒孩子一定不能在教室裡吃東西,食物的垃圾要拿到走廊上黑色的垃圾袋裡!謝謝。

4. 目前各班都還有名額,但提醒家長,因為本校是小班制,最多不會超過十位學生,我們已開放接受轉學新生,還沒報名的家長請盡快用​這個連結盡快填寫學生資料,除了上網填資料之外,別忘了還要印出、填妥附上的Medical and Photo release form,連同$800元支票payable to Saratoga Vision Chinese School, 在週五交到辦公室,或者郵寄到19901 Merribrook Dr Saratoga CA95070。

5. 本校歡迎家長分享給對本校有興趣的朋友家長,來信安排旁聽事宜!我們不接受當天要求的旁聽,感謝大家的配合。

6. 慧景中文學校e-mailinfo@svchineseschool.org. Weekly announcement每週三會寄出,星期四會公布在Newsletter網頁。請家長多多利用​​臉書網站查詢學校資料

7. 福利社報吿:非常感謝上週二年級游子玄的媽媽Vickie阿姨做的「新鮮草莓杯子蛋糕」,讓孩子們開心地品嚐到這麼美味的食物!本週點心由CFL1 Emil的媽媽Emily阿姨精心製作的「馬來糕」,每份一元。

Copyright © 2024 Saratoga Vision Chinese School. All rights reserved.

Weekly Announcement Week 26 - Apr. 24, 2024

1. There will be a variety show in Argonaut this Friday. Please arrive early to avoid the parking situation. The office will be moved to Rm1 this week since Rm2 will be occupied.
2. It is now the 26th week and we have almost reached the end of the school year. We will host a carnival on the 30th week. Each class will host a booth at the carnival and please offer help to your class teacher for the activity, manning the booth and preparing for the prizes.
Snack Shack will prepare food for sale. Details will be posted next week as well as the ticket pre-sale.
3. Friendly reminder: To all the teachers, students and parents, please do not eat or drink in the classroom, and remember to put any food trash in the trash can in the corridor. Thank you for your cooperation!

4. Thanks to parents who had registered for next school year. Please use the link to fill out the registration form if you have not done so. In addition, please fill out and sign the Medical and Photo release form  and turn in to the office or mail to 19901 Merribrook Dr Saratoga CA95070 along with a check of $800 payable to Saratoga Vision Chinese School to complete the registration. Please contact us by email or drop by at the office if you have any questions. ​​

5. We welcome friends and family to visit the school. Please contact us for a sit-in. We do not take any walk-ins. Thank you for your cooperation.

6. Our school email address is: info@svchineseschool.org. The weekly announcement will be sent out on Wednesdays posted on the school website on Thursdays. Please check the website and Facebook page for updated information.

7. Thanks to G2 parent Vickie for making the yummy strawberry cupcakes for us last week! Snack Shack will sell “Cantonese sponge cake” this Friday. Each order is $1. Thanks to CFL1 parent Emily for making the snack for us!